About Us
Thank you for visiting our website to learn more about us. Orion Safety Products is the world’s leading manufacturer of emergency flares and other signaling devices. When you use flares, chances are you’re using an Orion product, backed by nearly 100 years of innovation, engineering technology, and superior safety. We specialize in manufacturing a wide range of flares, signaling devices, and other products for all types of safety purposes. Our sales are divided between commercial/government business and consumer/retail business. When you work with Orion, our professional staff will help you determine which emergency signaling device fits your requirements.
Check out our Highway, Marine, Home, and Wilderness, pages for specific category and product information.
Customer Segments
Commercial/Government Business
Orion’s commercial/government business involves the sale of:
- Highway Flares – used primarily for traffic management on roadways.
- Railway Emergency Flares – used for signaling other trains and personnel in railyards.
- Backfire Torches – used in forest fire management.
- Marine Aerial and Handheld Flares – used for aviation (packing in life rafts), oil and gas (for the boats supplying the oil rigs and for lighting stacks), and forestry (for igniting backfires).
Consumer/Retail Business
Orion’s consumer/retail business involves the sale of:
- Automotive Emergency Flares
- Coast Guard-approved Marine Signal Devices
- First Aid Kits
- Wilderness Signal and Survival Products
- Chemical Lights (lightsticks)
- As well as products for house and home, such as our Chimfex® Chimney Fire Suppressant.
Our consumer/retail products are sold in major chain outlets throughout the United States, as well as through distributors to other retail stores across the country.
Made With Pride In The USA
Orion flare products are engineered and manufactured in the USA, primarily in two manufacturing facilities in Indiana and Pennsylvania.
Our History
Orion Safety Products has been making automotive flares and railway flares (fusees) for nearly a century, under various brand names such as Bristol Flare, Lakeside Fusee, and Standard Fusee. Over the years, we have added a comprehensive line of marine products that meet the USCG VDS requirements such that Orion is the name in North American marine distress signaling.
Through robust research and marketing efforts, Orion has grown not only to become the world’s leading manufacturer and distributor of highway, railway, and marine flares, but also a supplier of a wide selection of related safety products ranging from sound signals and lightsticks to first aid kits. In November 1997, our company adopted the Orion brand name for all of our safety and signaling products. Today, whenever you see the Orion brand name, you can be assured you’re receiving the best and the brightest in signaling quality and safety.

Our Facilities
Easton, Maryland – Corporate headquarters are located in Easton, Maryland including the customer service function for the Highway, Railway, Marine, Home, and Wilderness markets.
Peru, Indiana – Marine and Wilderness survival products as well as our Automotive and Railway flares are manufactured here. Chimfex® is also made in our Peru plant.
Bristol, Pennsylvania – Additional marine and wilderness survival products are manufactured in this facility, including orange smoke flares.
Our Commitment
A complete commitment to quality is important in nearly every industry. But nowhere is quality and safety more intertwined than in emergency flares and other life-saving signaling and safety products that must work every time in extreme environmental conditions. Here at Orion, we’re in the business of manufacturing products that law enforcement, safety professionals, drivers, boaters, hikers, and others who enjoy the wild rely upon to protect their lives. We know lives are at stake and that people rely upon our products in the worst of circumstances.
We love to hear from our customers and we’re here to help.